
What inspires you?

I noticed this question posed by a fellow blogger (A Litte Daydreamer) recently. Oddly enough, it was a day when I was struggling to find inspiration for a blog post myself. Nothing had really struck me or seemed worth writing about.

This happens a fair amount to me. It isn’t so much that I am uninspired, but rather, the things that spark my interest are something that I’ve already written about. I realize too that not everybody would be interested in reading about every small thing which I am interested in, though some might.

I know that I am inspired by the wonders of nature, loving and caring acts of people, & the commitment of my spouse to ministry, just to name a few examples. So much in life can offer us inspiration. We just need to be open to those ideas & examples.

  • So, what does inspire you?
  • Where do you find inspiration?
  • Are there recent events or actions which have inspired you to act in some way?
  • How have you been an inspiration to others?

One thought on “Inspiration

  1. piscestenisha says:

    I love this and it relates to me so much, but recently I was inspired by the first two pages of a book. Which has never happened to me before! I feel refreshed and I know where I am going now which is amazing, and I even started my blog because of it!


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